blogging is something that comes and goes for me but recently I've felt the urge to blog. I don't know exactly how I separate that urge from the urge to eat or the urge to do anything else but somehow, here I sit, blogging.
Yeah so this is public domain. My thoughts for the world to see. That's okay because most folks wouldn't even understand what I'm saying. If you know me you'll understand and for that I am grateful. Isn't being understood one of the greatest of our desires? It's right up there with wanting to be loved, accepted and wanting to eat pizza. That's the second time I've mentioned eating. Probably because I'm dieting, again.
To catch you up on all that has transpired since I last blogged I'll start out by saying that yes, I have had another baby since my last blog! I wouldn't be me if I hadn't right? Wrong. Because you see I have four and no more. We are all babied out. Well, at least that's what my doctor tells me. I of course could never be more ready to add another bundle to the bunch. The girls are growing in their interests and activities which keeps me busier than ever. I had seen women who practically lived in their cars taking kids from one event to another and was always so glad that wasn't me. It still isn't me but it's fast approaching. We have ballet, soccer, violin and school. I have to protect our precious family time. Days literally fly by and babies become little girls. I know that I'll blink and these little girls will be big girls and then young ladies and then gone. That's why every moment counts. I have so many friends with children and we all agree that we just can't get our brains around the speed with which all of this takes place. Then again I have no desire to prolong some of these days.
I was attending a luncheon at a friends house when an older lady spoke up about a great idea she had. Now this lady is a true Southern Lady. She has one of the most lovely accents you'd ever want to hear as she drops her "r" and adds syllables. She has the greatest sense of humor as well. I wish you could all meet her. (in heaven) Her idea was this: She said that she wished she could get one of those old timey telephone booths, you know, the old red ones like you see in old movies set in London. She said she wanted one of those in her house and that she wanted it to be a time machine. You'd be able to choose what time, where and for how long you wanted to visit. She set she would go back to when her son Richard was 2 years old for fifteen minutes! I laughed and laughed and then I cried. How precious that this lady who now has grandchildren still wants to go back to those days when her children were small. How hilarious that she remembers those days so well that she'd only want to be there for fifteen minutes!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
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