Friday, July 22, 2011

Clarity and Connecting...

Peace. Stillness. Order. Calm. Connection. Unity. Completion.

All longed for. None constantly felt. All found in Christ. All reside in the place where we fellowship with Christ. The Holy of Holies. Fellowship with my Lord puts it all in perspective.

Long to-do list. Long prayer list. Unfinished conversations. Life's demands are undending.

Perspective. Sometimes all I need is a little perspective. Clarity is achieved through prayer.


Megan said...

And yet, I am so quick to re-read the "to-do" list and so slow to hit my knees. Thanks for the reminder!

Rambling Tart said...

I love those few treasured moments throughout the day when you DO feel those lovely things. :-) I had such a moment this morning - one of quietness, aloneness, sunshine, and peace. It's kept me going all day. :-)